Friday, December 6, 2013

Observation Report

Were the resources/materials arranged properly according to their functions and characteristics?
Yes, during my observation I saw the materials are well-arranged. In their library(book) the books are well-organize and it is arrange according to their functions, even if it is a surprise visit for us as observer but as I witnessed it seems that they are always prepared for the visitors all the time. Books also arrange from new edition to old one, the shelves and books are free from dust.

Do the guidelines & procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the teacher? Why? Why not?
Yes, because the teacher deliver the procedure well and sometimes it is demonstrate to let the learners understand and will know how to operate that certain material. And we observed that before the activity or laboratory will start it is required to read first the guidelines and procedure by their learners.

What are the strengths of this learning resource center?
I believe that the strength of this learning resource center is when their student and teacher will follow all the procedure that is required in using these different materials so they could use it in the long period of time.

What are its weaknesses?
Of course the weaknesses, if it is not use according to their functions, it might become useless, there is no justice having all these materials and it is not use for the good of learning.

What suggestions can you make?
All students from elementary to college must be familiarize the different learning materials especially in technology for them to really have knowledge about the functions and its usefulness. Because some school just put their materials there just like a display and they never let their student having hands on.

1) Which of the materials in the learning resources center caught your interest the most? Why?

What caught my interest most in their learning resource center is the mass communication room/laboratory, because I really admire those who have a profession as “Mass Com’s”. And I am so curious about their trainings, and learning.

2) Which gadgets/materials are you already confident to use/operate?
· The books
· Computer
· And some instrument in their music room

3) Which ones do you feel you need to learn more about?
          I feel to learn more about the functions of technology in learning and teaching                         process and in mass communication.

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Technology is very important to everyone especially in teaching and learning process. In terms of teaching, technology is the best tool to employ learning to our student, we could facilitate learning in very better way because it will help us teacher to let the learner understand what we are trying to teach to them.

 For example, if we are having discussion and if we are going to describe something like a place where everybody was not have an idea about that place then we could easily identify to them using the power point presentation, unlike before during 20th century learning is not as good as now having technology. We could let our student enter in another world if we educate them about technology, technology has huge thing to do in terms of learning but it is most important if we also facilitate technology well to our learner to have a positive result. 

As we are now in rapid changing world in terms of technology everyone must not be left behind because technology is now part of everyone's life...nowadays, as we observe even a young child could even have already an idea on how to use a gadget, technology maybe easy to adapt but it needs education to facilitate it in a right way,in positive way, because everything in this world come's always in a positive or negative outcome, it is always depending on us on how we deal with it.