Friday, January 10, 2014

Bulletin Board Evaluation

                                                              BOARD DISPLAYS EVALUATION FORM
Location of the Board Display in School HALL WAY near school entrance

                   Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings. 4-Outstanding, 3-Very Satisfactory, 2-Satisfactory, 1- Needs Improvement.
Effective Communication Conveys the message quickly and clearly

It has effective communication to the readers, from topic to means it is clear and understandable to everyone.
Colors and arrangement catch and hold interest.


The color is simple it defines the topic which being kind to everyone. The arrangement catch and hold interest because it indicates with outcomes with program.
Objects are arranged so stability is perceived.


The letters, pictures, and verses well arranged easy to read and understand.
Repeated shapes or colors or use of boarders holds display together.


It has great “unity” it will even connect to your real life once you read every single word they put their.
The style and approach entice learners to be Involve.


Since that the topic is Community Action for Responsive Extension Services(CARES) for me it is really enticing because it is great to have this program, very overwhelming that some think for helping others.
Letters and illustration can be seen from a good distance.


Yes Letters and illustration can be seen
Easily considering that the location of this bulletin is in the hall way
Free from grammar errors, misspelled words, and ambiguity.


Everything written there is free from any corrections.
Well-constructed, items are securely attached.

Yes it is durable, From bulletin board to items.

An Evaluation Report of a Bulletin Board
(Option 2)
Bulletin Board Evaluated by: Analyn Rayon Ramoso
Location:  Pilgrim college
Brief description of the Bulletin Board:  Great bulletin “it’s opens every mind that we as individual has connection with each other”

Description of the bulletin Board lay-out

Well constructed, easy access to the individual. It calls the attention to everybody to get involve.
If it is not maintained clean and legible to everybody that bulletin will be useless. And it will not function to its target.
Evaluation of educational content. And other aspects:

The content of this bulletin board shows that it is good being think for others and think less for yourself. Share and it will come back to you hundred folds. Since sharing is loving. It even touches the three domains which cognitive, affective, psychomotor. Cognitive being thinking for other, affective the sense of helping through volunteerism, psychomotor because it exerts effort.

If everyone does not response with the content of this bulletin
Recommendations  or Suggestions for improvement: the color  background  must be more enticing.
Signature of Evaluator: Analyn R. Ramoso

My Analysis

Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience?
Why? Why not? Yes, the board display design reflect the likes or interest of its target because it is eyes friendly the arrangement of its information are well organize according to their means and functions. We will get interested by the attitude of these board because you can find there the evidence or on how these program works, how they reach those people who are the recipient of this program they also indicate their different activity with connection to their topic Community Action for Responsive Extension Services.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand?
Why? Why not? Yes the language used is clear and easy to understand to the targets, reader friendly you don’t need to use for dictionary to look for what does that board says…and for putting there the pictures regarding the activity its more likely to understand to everyone.

What do you think was the purpose of the board display? Was it effective?
Why? Why not?
For me, and for the information I got there where I conducted my observation, the school really wanted to include one of their programs to extend hand to the community, to get involve what the  needs of the community. And it makes my heart bursting that some schools organizing this kind of program to train our students or learners to share to others every blessing we have. With this I believe that we will still have the hope of country, “think less for self think big for others” even if it start with little things it means a lot to whom touch and reach for it. It is more than effective because the purpose that board really function well.

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