Monday, March 17, 2014


SLIDE SHOW BIZ( Slide presentations)

Name of FS student: Analyn R. Ramoso
Course: BTTE4A
Resource teacher:
Cooperating School:

Title of my presentation: HOW to SET FLOWER ARRANGEMENT
-         To measure the creativity of thinking skills.
-         To determine appropriate flower in the venue.


What are the good features of the slide presentation?

The good features of slide presentation is, it can convey attention to our audience because of unique cute background fonts, sound effect, animation, we could also insert music, voice narration, clip art and of course picture. Slide presentation is a great tool in teaching and learning process because it could help us deliver the things the way we wanted to.

 Which of these features are present in the slide presentation you made?

The features that are present in my slide presentation are, cute color background, unique font, with short animation effect, nice images or pictures of flowers.

Which features are not present in the slide presentation you made?

The features that are not present to my slides are, sound effect, music, and voice narration.


I was experienced difficulties the time when I started to gather information for my topic which is “how to set flower arrangement” it was difficult to me to pick information which is very resourceful and strike straight to the things which top most important. I was really trying to come up with the great presentation, those pictures and things I was trying to say was match up. Indeed, I am very thankful because I was full of hope and faith the time I made this presentation.;-)…

MY PORTFOLIO(click here to view my slide)


PAPER WORKS! (Preparing hand-outs)
Name of FS Student:Analyn R. Ramoso
Resource Teacher :Mr. Edmundo H. Saarinas
Cooperating School :TESDA-KNAS Kinoguitan, Misamis Oriental
Hand-out Planning Guide

Grade/Year Level  BARTENDING NC11


I.                   Title                   -------          1
II.                 Objectives        -------           2
III.              Introduction     -------          3
IV.              Body/content   -------          4
V.                Review question -----          5
VI.              Conclusion         -------          6

Type of graphic organizer/flow-chart/schema to use:

Technology and livelihood Education
Author: Josephine C. Bernardino
Web site:

What are the good features of a hand-out?
The good features of hand-out are it is gives a specific meaning, it makes your topic shorter but informative, it must be readable to our student. And it is very useful to the student because they will have own reference whenever ever we are doing discussion. It will save time, because we will not keep on writing on the board those information they want to get because it is already on their hand.

Which of these features are present in the handout I made?
The handout I made contents a specific meaning of the things discuss on my slides, it gives step by step process, very informative, and it is legibly written.

1.    What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the handouts? How did you overcome them?

The difficulties I encounter, it was hard for me to pick those most important details of my topic to put in my handout. I read every detail very well and understand to come up with this great handout.

2. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of handouts?
Tip ; handouts must be done ahead so that we can review it, if there is need to add, delete something then we could do it more specific and informative one.
Portfolio(hand out)
Flower arrangement- a step by step arranging of flower, gorgeous face flowers place one at a time, differing heights.
Flower appearance- determines the firmness and freshness of the flower.
Green buds and petals- should feel firm & have no brown edges.
Lilacs, lilies and cherry blossoms-  branchy flowers.
Fernies and roses- attention grabbers, & sometimes called “face flowers”.
Ranunculus or anemons-  A delicate gestural variety.
Shape and balance- could help you come up with nice flower arrangement.
Dead or broken petals and blossoms- we must rid of selecting flowers in the market.
Sharp knife, scissors, clippers- are the cutting tools used for cutting stem and extra lives of flower.
Tulips and hyacinths- are bulb flowers, which always be placed in called water.

Note: your flowers will be thirsty, so give them drink right away (water).

Episode 7 MY E-WORLD

MY E-WORLD (websites)
NAME of FS STUDENT Analyn R. Ramoso
Course BTTE4A
Cooperating School    : Pilgrim Christian College ,Tiano-Acut St. CDOC

Class Observation Guide
Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1.    What is the lesson about? What are the teacher’s objectives?

·         Know the principle of art applied in the home
·         Appreciate the suggested guidelines in selecting & arranging furniture & furnishings.
·         Demonstrate his/her knowledge & understanding in making the house livable.

2. Note the important concepts that the teacher is emphasizing?

The important concepts of a teacher is emphasizing is that she want her student to have somehow knowledge to the subject matter, she wants to discover and develop her students skills in terms of art, which is now a days are useful. As we know that 21st century aims to develop a student to become a holistic, to produce a multi- tasking product so, skills are in demand.
According to the teacher they make objectives for the whole week activity it is not daily because of the demonstration activities after doing lecture. They give enough time from lecture to actual to let the student have their authentic learning, because it is easily to the student absorb knowledge when they put it into actual demonstration.

3.   Note the skills that the teacher developing in the learners.

·         The teacher develop the listening skills
·         Attentiveness
·         Comprehension
·         Alertness
·         Creative
·         Innovative
·         artistic
·         Patience
·         And being flexible


Grade/year level of the
Topic (of the class you observed)
Applied Art
Objectives of the
·         Know the principle of art applied in the home
·         Appreciate the suggested guidelines in selecting & arranging furniture & furnishings.
·         Demonstrate his/her knowledge & understanding in making the house livable.

Name of
Electronic Resource
Description of the
Electronic Resource
How it can be used in the
Class you observed




Games (on line)




Book(technology livelihood education)
This book gives some of the view of the subject I observed, it also emphasizing and specify how to apply art in our home and in an industry.


1.    Describe you experience in surfing the internet for appropriate electronic resources for class? Did you find it easy or difficult?

For me it is quite difficult because I am not that knowledgeable enough in surfing in the internet, if could not give the exact information you wanted to have then, you could get a multiple answers.

2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here? What did you consider? Explain.

For me when we surf in the internet there are lots of information we expectedly to get, but sometimes it seems like those information did not met the information we wanted to have. I choose these electronic resources to include here because it satisfies my research.

3.   Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have and what skills would you continue to work on to be better at utilizing electronic resources?

In my technology skills, I could not say yet that I am competitive enough because in the first place this is not my specialization, but I have a little knowledge that I believe I could use when I already land a fairness it is very nice if we really know how to use electronic resources. The only skills I have is: I know how to make and use power point presentation, I could encode using word, inserting tables, pictures and etcetera, I finally know how to transfer pictures via electronic, download and etc.
All of that skills I want to continue to work on for me to improve more, but I am really eager to learn how exactly to make movie maker to the highest level.

Episode 4 TOOLS of the TRADE

TOOLS of the TRADE (Teaching Aids Bank)

Name of FS student Analyn R. Ramoso
Course BTTE4-A
Resource Teacher Ma. Luisa Actub
Cooperating School TESDA-KNAS Kinguitan, Misamis Oriental

Name of school
Observed tesda-knas
Location of the school tesda-knas, kinoguitanmisamis oriental
date visit February 24,2014

v Flash cards

v Cut-outs

v Power point presentaion

v Books


Give at least three benefits of doing a survey of available materials before making your own materials? Explain each.

1.    Pictures, before we did our observation I was also tried to make and used of pictures during my reports and other school activity. We all so familiar with this for sure, the time I observe I realize that when using pictures, we must also consider to check the picture we are using those, color, the size, and other things that we can do to enhance the beauty of the picture ,that could help catches the attention of our student.

2.    Power point presentations, when I conducted a survey there, I experienced some great presentation, inserting some cute clip art on their slides that could help to understand to our listener/audience. But there are also tips I got that it is not good to put or insert some music effect on slides and other moving objects. Because our students might pay attention to the objects you inserted than paying attention to you discussion instead.

3.    Manila paper/cartolina, this teaching aids are useful and cannot be replace by technology, because if we will be assign in the mountain and if there is no current, we don’t have choice than to go for the traditional type of teaching aid.


1.      Which materials did you like making the most? Why?

I like making power point presentation, because I fond doing slides and I love inserting pictures each slides, and it is easy to do, you could delete and insert everything you wanted.

2.  What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the materials? How did you overcome them?
In doing materials like power point, there are tendency that your files will be corrupted, you need duplication of your copy. And the problem if you only have one USB and no other thing to save your work, you don’t have hundred percent assurances that your file is safe. If that’s the case you need to have hard and soft copy.
3.    What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of teaching materials?

The tips, if we are doing teaching aid or materials, it should be done advance or ahead so that it will not be done hurriedly because there are tendencies that we could not double check those teaching aid well before presented. And that might cause distractions if there are things we don’t notice which wrong.

Learning Resources on a Specific Content Area
Use this graphic organizer to present the learning resources relevant to the topic chosen. On the line inside the box,indicate if the resource is already AVAILABLE, MAY BE PURCHASED, OR WILL BE MADE (by you,of course!)
TOPIC : Commercial Cooking NC11(introducing the different Cooking Utensils)
GRADE/YEAR: Commercial Cooking NC11 TRAINEES