Monday, March 17, 2014

Episode 3 See and Say

See and Say

Observation Report

Date of Observation: February 25, 2014
School: TESDA- Kinoguitan National Agricultural School
Subject: Commercial Cooking
Topic: Introducing the Different kinds of Sandwiches
Grade/Year Level: NC-2 Trainees

            Based on my observation conducted at the TESDA-KNAS, and I decided to choose the Commercial Cooking course. That day they tackle and discuss about the Different kinds of sandwiches. The materials/visual aids that the teacher uses and as her reference as well are the books, pictures, and the finish product because they are going to perform it as a return demonstration. The teacher presented her topic to the class with her materials by giving some motivation that will make them excite to their new topic and gave them the courage to be more interested by the topic.
            In non-verbal response of the learners I have seen that through the presentation made by the teacher the class enjoyed the topic especially the time that they going to make it after the demonstration by the teacher. Aside from that the students respond the teacher activity and I can say that the teacher is very effective and efficient to her strategy she uses to the class. So therefore the materials/visual aids played a vital role to the discussion of the teacher because it will add more meaningful learning to the class.

Teaching aids used
Comments on appropriateness of the teaching aids used
v  books
v  Use as the basis of the teacher to her topic and also the student has the references to their topic. Books also can be use anytime and anywhere.
v The student will become dependent to the book.
v Using books as teaching materials is good but do not use it every day.sometimes we must resourceful enough in order to achieve to fruitful learning outcome.
v  pictures
v Use to make student step on the high level of understanding through imagining of real thing from that pictures.
v  Sometimes the appearance from picture cannot be seen from real thing.
v  Using picture as teaching tools is good because it will lead into high level of understanding.
v  Finished products
v  This could help to our student identify the real thing for what about they are going to have.
v  Sometimes what we see is just what we want to have too, we forgot that we could have better than what we see.
v  Having those finished product is good because we could have basis for what need to do, we could touch real thing.

My Analysis

What do you think prompted the teacher to choose the materials/learning resources that he/she used?
For me, those materials are one of the best tools for teaching/learning resources because in cooking, first we need to have a book to have some reference for the things which are very useful it could give concise information to help us let our students understand what we are trying to say. Second, pictures, it could help our students step on the next level of learning through imagining and it could give them excitement to do the task because of what they see on the picture you presented. Third, finished product, they could have basis on the certain thing they need to come up.

What difficulties, if any, did the teacher experience? How can this be managed?
My observation was conducted on post-secondary student and other already a second courser, during discussion it was smooth there are only slight interruptions maybe due to excitement on the things they newly learn, but the teacher could handle it well by just give them a little reminder that “hey, you’re not a kid anymore guys”.

Over-all, were the learning resources/materials used effectively? Why? Why not?
The learning material was used effectively…because when the teacher ask them one by one to identify each of the sandwiches, they really do.


1.    Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would you do differently if you would teach the same lesson to the same group of students and why?

If I were a teacher, I will use also books, pictures, and finished product. But it would be more different if the teacher let them see demonstration even if in just a video…because video could give huge understanding of our student, it could provide lot of information that we could not give in just showing those books and pictures… after a video on how to do the different kinds of sandwiches, I will let them create their own also as what they see on the video provided. From then, we could measure if how active our student in terms of listening and interpreting things, for sure they will pay attention to listen, taking note of the procedure, and learn to be creative enough, they will explore and for sure they will strive to learn without depending on others.


Include here pictures/illustration of the materials used by the teacher.
 monte cristo sandwich

clubhouse sandwich      

montecristo sandwich

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