Monday, March 17, 2014

Episode 4 TOOLS of the TRADE

TOOLS of the TRADE (Teaching Aids Bank)

Name of FS student Analyn R. Ramoso
Course BTTE4-A
Resource Teacher Ma. Luisa Actub
Cooperating School TESDA-KNAS Kinguitan, Misamis Oriental

Name of school
Observed tesda-knas
Location of the school tesda-knas, kinoguitanmisamis oriental
date visit February 24,2014

v Flash cards

v Cut-outs

v Power point presentaion

v Books


Give at least three benefits of doing a survey of available materials before making your own materials? Explain each.

1.    Pictures, before we did our observation I was also tried to make and used of pictures during my reports and other school activity. We all so familiar with this for sure, the time I observe I realize that when using pictures, we must also consider to check the picture we are using those, color, the size, and other things that we can do to enhance the beauty of the picture ,that could help catches the attention of our student.

2.    Power point presentations, when I conducted a survey there, I experienced some great presentation, inserting some cute clip art on their slides that could help to understand to our listener/audience. But there are also tips I got that it is not good to put or insert some music effect on slides and other moving objects. Because our students might pay attention to the objects you inserted than paying attention to you discussion instead.

3.    Manila paper/cartolina, this teaching aids are useful and cannot be replace by technology, because if we will be assign in the mountain and if there is no current, we don’t have choice than to go for the traditional type of teaching aid.


1.      Which materials did you like making the most? Why?

I like making power point presentation, because I fond doing slides and I love inserting pictures each slides, and it is easy to do, you could delete and insert everything you wanted.

2.  What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the materials? How did you overcome them?
In doing materials like power point, there are tendency that your files will be corrupted, you need duplication of your copy. And the problem if you only have one USB and no other thing to save your work, you don’t have hundred percent assurances that your file is safe. If that’s the case you need to have hard and soft copy.
3.    What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of teaching materials?

The tips, if we are doing teaching aid or materials, it should be done advance or ahead so that it will not be done hurriedly because there are tendencies that we could not double check those teaching aid well before presented. And that might cause distractions if there are things we don’t notice which wrong.

Learning Resources on a Specific Content Area
Use this graphic organizer to present the learning resources relevant to the topic chosen. On the line inside the box,indicate if the resource is already AVAILABLE, MAY BE PURCHASED, OR WILL BE MADE (by you,of course!)
TOPIC : Commercial Cooking NC11(introducing the different Cooking Utensils)
GRADE/YEAR: Commercial Cooking NC11 TRAINEES

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